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Privacy Statement

1. General Principles

This Privacy Statement informs you, as a customer or visitor of our website, about what will happen to the personal information you would potentially share with us or that we would collect and process. The privacy statement applies to all of our products and services and all the processing of personal data done by us or by third parties and will follow the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as these apply in Belgium and where we are located.

In accordance to changing legislation and/or changed policy and activities concerning this privacy regulation, we could face ourselves forced to periodically alter this privacy statement. Therefore, you will always find the most up-to-date version on www.peeq.com/privacy.

Using the links below you can retrieve the correct information:

2. Who are we and how can you contact us?

We are peeq, a part of De Meutter Paul Elektriciteit C.V.B.A., Industriepark 13B, Zone B, 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium and our company number is BE 0436220678.

We are not characterized as having the legal obligation to install an official for data protection. Nevertheless, we have established an internal team that is responsible for the processing of personal data. You can contact them with any kind of request regarding the processing of personal data via privacyteam@peeq.com.

3. Which of your personal data do we process?

The list below offers an exhaustive overview of all categories of personal data we process. Depending on your situation and relationship with us, it could well be that certain personal data or categories do not apply in your case:

  • Your personal contact information, such as first and last name, invoicing and shipping address, email address, telephone or mobile phone number etc.
  • Your contact history with us, such as emails, chats, completed forms on our website etc.
  • Products and services that you bought from us, such as your purchase history, but also whether you have a maintenance contract for your alarm installation for instance.
  • Marketing and analysis data such as newsletters you received and whether you clicked on certain links in these newsletters, whether or not complemented with data analysis based on profiling, in order to give you an offer as relevant and personalised as possible.
  • Your interaction on our website such as your account information and the shopping basket that you create, potential product reviews you send in, online orders you place including your IP address etc.
  • Your alarm installation, with the required technical specifications for the purpose of the maintenance such as the number of zones and locations within the building, band and type of the alarm system, last maintenance etc.
  • Information we receive from third parties such as financial institutions and other processors of payment, address brokers…
  • Third party transactions, meaning whereby another person did a certain transaction in your name, for instance a bank transfer or online payment. Then we will receive certain information of this third party such as the name and first name.

4. What is the source of your personal information?

We collect personal information coming from the following categories of sources:

  • From yourself in the direct sense of the word.
  • From a third party that performs certain interactions with us on your behalf.
  • From external online trade platforms or affiliate websites.
  • From online media and advertising partners.
  • From analytical applications, among which Google Analytics.
  • From a personal data broker.
  • From financial institutions and other payment processors and platforms.

5. Transfer of your personal data to third parties?

In case of whole or partial reorganization or cession of peeq’ activities, whereby peeq reorganizes, transfers, ceases her business activity or in case peeq goes bankrupt, your personal data may be transferred to new entities or third parties. peeq will try, if reasonably possible, to inform you on beforehand of the fact that we transfer your personal data to a third person, but you must be aware of the fact that this is not always possible nor technically nor commercially.

peeq may transfer your e-mailadres or the other personal data you provide to us, to Facebook/Instagram/Google ads in order to create personal advertisements on Facebook/Instagram/Google ads or to create Lookalike audiences on Facebook. We will only transfer your personal data to Facebook/Instagram/Google ads in case you consent to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

peeq may transfer your personal data to her partners providing client reviews on our products and services.

6. What are the goals we process your personal data for and on which grounds do we process them?

We process your personal data for the following goals and according to the below legal grounds of processing:

  1. General purposes
    • For the execution of our agreement or contractual obligation
      • In order to keep you informed about the trajectory of your order and to be able to deliver it or inform you to come pick it up.
      • In order to gain insights about your communication with us and your purchase history to help you as well and efficiently as possible.
      • To be able to do maintenance and installation works at your premises.
      • In order to exchange with our business partners, such as logistic partners for the delivery of your order.
    • In a justified cause for us or for a third party
      • To gain insights in the usage of our website and how we can continuously improve it.
      • To proactively approach you with potentially interesting offers and to present our products and services.
      • To manage our company in an optimal manner.
      • To gain analytical and statistic insights in our customer base and our performances and how we can further improve these.
      • To get your opinion and rating about us and our products, so we can optimise continuously.
    • With your permission
      • To gain insights in the usage of our website and how we can continuously improve it.
      • To keep you informed on new brands and products and everything that is going on at peeq and the lighting industry in general.
      • To proactively approach you with potentially interesting offers and to present you our products and services.
      • To contact you whenever you won a price in one of our contests or promotions.
      • To get your opinionand rating about us and our products, so we can optimize continuously.
    • Due to legal obligations
      • For managing our accountancy.
  2. Direct Marketing

    Your personal data will only be used for direct marketing purposes if you give your explicit and preliminary consent.(“opt-in”). Your consent can be revoked at all times, for free and without motivation by clicking the unsubscribe button below every promotional e-mail or, in case you have a profile: by unticking the following box: “newsletter subscription”.

    If you are a customer of peeq, we may send your direct marketing mails regarding similar products and/or services based on our legitimate interest until you opt-out from these mailings by clicking the unsubscribe button below every promotional e-mail or, in case you have a profile: by unticking the following box: “newsletter subscription”.

    When you participate in a giveaway campaign organised by Peeq via a Facebook lead form, your name and email address will be collected. This information will be used to enter you into the giveaway and to send you marketing communications, including our newsletter and promotions. You can unsubscribe from our communications at any time by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’-button at the bottom of every promotional email.

  3. Profiling

    Profiling means any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person's performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements;

    The processing of your personal data may involve profiling for direct marketing purposes whereby we will suggest certain products and offers to you taking into account your previous purchases.

    You have the right to object to processing based on profiling for direct marketing purposes at al times, by sending an e-mail to privacyteam@peeq.com.

7. How long will we save your personal data?

How long do we save your personal data varies and depends on the following criteria:

  • As long as you grant us your permission, for instance for our newsletter, for profiling,....
  • As long as you grant us your permission, for instance for our newsletter.
  • As long as required according to legal obligations, for instance conservation times of invoices.
  • As long required according to contractual obligations, for instance for providing service and assistance, for offering legal or additional warranty, for informing you (about potential recalls) etc.
  • As long as required according to our company needs, for instance to know what you purchased from us in the past and in order to offer you that information later on, or to stay up to date about your (alarm) installation even after you have not had a maintenance from us for a few years, …

8. Will your personal data be exchanged outside of the European Union?

Most of our personal data will stay within the EU and the EER. However, in some cases we will share personal information with international organization and/or parties outside of the EU, such as international logistic partners. For instance at this moment we are changing information with a few external partners in the US. This information exchange is legally covered under the EU-US Privacy Shield. Moreover, we have taken additional contractual measures with these parties to guarantee maximal safety precaution measures.

9. Is it mandatory for you to share personal data with us?

If you want to purchase products or services from us, you are obliged to provide us a minimum of personal data. Without this personal information we cannot fulfill our contractual and legal obligations. Any optional personal data is always indicated as such.

10. Which security measures did we take to protect your personal data?

We have adopted safety measures which are suited on both a technical and an organisational level to avoid the destruction, the loss, the forgery, the adjustment, the non-authorised access or the notification of the personal data by accident to a third party, as well as the non-authorised processing of these data.

At all times you shall comply with safety standards, for instance by avoiding all non-authorised access to your login and access code. You are solely responsible for the use of the Website on your computer, IP-address and identification data, as well as for the confidentiality. peeq shall not be liable in any way for direct or indirect damages caused by a wrongfully or improper use of the personal data by a third party.

In order to process your personal data we provide access to your personal data to our employees. We guarantee a similar level of protection by imposing contractual obligations to our employees that are similar to this Privacy Policy.

11. What are your rights as person involved within the framework of the privacy legislation?

The privacy legislation grants you the following rights concerning the processing of your personal data:

  • The right to be informed about the processing of your personal data.
  • The right to correct or complete your personal information if incorrect or incomplete.
  • The right to resist against the processing of your personal data.
  • The right to limit the processing of your personal data.
  • The right to have your personal data removed.
  • The right to look into your personal data and how we process these.
  • The right to directly transfer your personal data.
  • The right to obtain a personal evaluation if you have been subject of a given automatic decision process.
  • The right to object to profiling for direct marketing purposes.

In case you have a peeq profile, you can execute your rights of information, rectification, objection to direct marketing mails and erasure by logging in to your profile. In case you don’t have a peeq profile, you can contact DM Lights via mail privacyteam@peeq.com or contact us by telephone (+32.15 25 76 68).

12. How can you lodge a complaint?

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority responsible for data protection in your country of origin within the European Union.

13. Does peeq use cookies?

peeq uses certain cookies. More information on the cookies we use can be found in our cookie policy.

14. How does Google use your data?

peeq uses Google services. To do this, we share data with Google. More information about this can be found on https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.